One-stop solution
for all your hiring needs

Why Sunstone?

Domain-specific talent pool
Our talent pool, composed of 23% tech and 77% non-tech, specialises in several domains to cater to your changing business needs. With job-profile-specific training for 100+ job profiles under 50+ domains, we ensure that every candidate from our talent pool contributes to your organisation’s growth from Day 1

Productive workforce from Day 1
Access skilled graduates who have acquired the skills and practical know-how to ace their job from Day 1 with the skill-oriented pedagogy. We have devised an efficient mechanism to identify relevant skills required by a student and help them incorporate them with real-world application of those skills.
We compile a repository of skills required for a particular job role by analysing qualification packs published by SSCs (like NSDC) and 500+ JDs for that job role.
We expand the repository, with input from industry experts, SMEs, & business heads involved in the functions or hiring decisions for that particular job role.
We categorise skills, based on difficulty, for 50+ entry-level job roles. These repositories of relevant skills and competencies are updated periodically as per global developments.
The findings lead to the development of skill-oriented learning material for students.
The skill structure is integrated into the curriculum semester-wise as per difficulty level, with foundational courses for easier skills and specialisation modules for advanced skills.
The updated learning material ensures the delivery of a highly dynamic and industry-relevant curriculum.
At least one capstone project every semester for real-world application of the skills required in relevant job-roles
This project-based learning model builds student portfolios which are exhibited as ‘proof of work’.
Eg 1. Students conduct market analysis for a local non-registered business and prepare a 7-day digital marketing campaign with curated content for the business. After launching the campaign, they have to present their findings.
Eg 2. We train students with data from 15+ types of companies (based on operations) to create dashboards. Students work with large dummy and real-world datasets, extracting from SQL to Excel/Sheets or BI Tools (Power BI, Tableau) to prepare end-to-end analytics and insights functions for stakeholders.
This project-based learning model builds student portfolios which are exhibited as ‘proof of work’.

Pan-India hiring
Our vast talent pool of 6500+ skilled graduates who are spread across 35+ cities with more than 40% of skilled graduates residing in Tier 2 & Tier 3 cities such as Jaipur, Indore, Patna, Nashik and Coimbatore

Minimise costs, maximise talent
Connect with 6,500+ skilled graduates across India from your location, at your convenience
2X faster hiring process
Our hiring process is faster than traditional methods as we connect you with skilled graduates based on your needs. Our streamlined process helps you find the right candidate quickly and efficiently. Our service is designed to work around your schedule and location for your convenience in finding the talent you need.Reduce hiring & training expenditure by 50%
Our skilled graduates are job-ready from day one, having undergone job-specific training. This saves you time and money on extensive onboarding and training. With easy access to a pool of highly qualified candidates, you can streamline your recruitment process and get the best value for your investment
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